We The People Coalition is a united collection of peaceful and upstanding citizens working together to elect politicians who will transfer power back to the people and get government to work in the best interest of the people again.
Stay up to date with the coalition.
Ending corruption, term-limits, getting money out of politics and much more. We will transfer power back to the people by putting the right people into office who will carry out the people’s platform.
We The People Coalition endorses candidates for office who will end corruption and transfer power back to the people by:
Our dollar has no real value. We must return to the gold standard in order to transfer power back to the people.
Our political processes have been corrupted by spending and who has the most money. We must get money out of politics in order to transfer power back to the people.
Entrenched, career politicians have corrupted our political process. We must end the career politician in order to transfer power back to the people.
We The People provide our list of grievances towards our government the corrupt politicians.