We The People Coalition is a united collection of peaceful and upstanding citizens working together to elect politicians who will transfer power back to the people and get government to work in the best interest of the people again.
Greedy and corrupt people who crave power and fame have infiltrated our government, corrupted our institutions, subverted natural law and stole wealth, freedoms, liberties and power from the people and took it for themselves.
Most politicians are now controlled by special interests. As a result, our government and our politicians, created and funded by we the people, no longer work for us, but rather, for the benefits of the few.
We the people will endorse candidates for political office who are true public servants and replace every single corrupt republican and democrat currently in office all throughout our country so we may transfer power and prosperity back to we the people and restore our freedoms, individual liberties.
The system we live in is not working in favor of we the people, rather, only a select few, who are very good at ensuring they keep their power while the people continue to be oppressed. The select few keep themselves in power while convincing the people they are being represented but the opposite is happening.
We The People Coalition seeks to solve these issues by uniting and organizing people who are rising up to answer the call to return power back to the people.
In one unified voice we will take our power back.
We place our trust in the current system and politicians who give us a “warm and fuzzy feeling” because they are “on our side”, despite many of them doing nothing and doing the bidding of the special interests as our liberties and freedoms continue to be stripped away from us.
Weak, do-nothing politicians continue to abuse our trust and our money, continue to serve their party and special interests over the people and send our sons and daughters to die in their wars so they may launder our money to line their pockets.
We continue to argue and bicker amongst ourselves over things that do not really matter, meanwhile, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer as the middle-class erodes away.
The America we all love continues to fade away. Government continues to get bigger and bigger and more centralized which forces the people to become more and more dependent on those with power…unless we choose a different path.
We break free of the chains that are holding us back.
We pay attention once again, we get engaged, shake off the apathy, the complacency and get our government to work for the people again, not just the special interests.
We start paving the way towards a different future. A future that might not come tomorrow, or next year, or the next decade, but a future that will empower future generations to come with freedom, power, wealth and prosperity unlike anything we can ever imagine.
Replace every single corrupt, weak, do-nothing politician with a brave, bold and courageous politician who will proactively advance and restore the freedoms and individual liberties that were taken from us and transfer power back to the people.
Unite the people by switching our focus from our disagreements on how to solve various problems, and instead, solely focusing on those who have taken our power, the corrupt few who control our institutions and transcend both political parties.
The possibilities are endless…
Heal our country’s political divide and unite the people. End the greed and corruption in our government, and so much more.
What seems impossible, is possible when we all work together in one voice. We the People means ALL people regardless of race, religion or creed.
We The People coalition
We the People Coalition, a community of like-minded men and women, have come together to assert our power and affirm our inalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In our endeavor to return power back to the people, we strive to fulfill acts of love, kindness, and service with honor, dignity and respect to our fellow people.
“The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power”
We The People Coalition Pledge To Adhere To The Following Code Of Conduct
We are honest and live in truth.
We look inward and find the fault in ourselves before we blame others.
We exhibit care and concern to all people, regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.
We control our base impulses for personal improvement.
We maintain a pleasant disposition at all times.
We are empathetic to the needs of others.